Turtle in Paradise Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The "Bellewood" is another happy combination of a well-laid-out floor plan with a modern attractive exterior. The design is an adaptation of a small English cottage. (1.46)

Turtle's dream house is straight from a catalog, complete with a Hollywood happy ending. Okay, okay, it's not advertised that way, but doesn't it almost seem like it is? Turtle places so much importance on this house specifically, not because of the modern exterior or the well laid out floor plan, but the dreams it symbolizes for her.

Quote #2

Most old people are cranky. Not that I blame them. How can you be happy when you know you're gonna be dead soon? (8.45)

In other words, old people no longer have anything to dream about or live for. In Turtle's mind, dreams are what keep us alive, they're what wake us up every morning and kick us out of bed to start another day.

Quote #3

"Nobody needs fancy face cream. A lady buys it because she wants to feel young or find a husband or feel prettier than her neighbor," he told me. "All I do is sell her that dream, bottled up nice and tidy in a cream, or maybe a new hat, or some brushes." (9.44)

According to Archie, he might as well bottle up some dreams instead of face cream. He's got a point. Maybe that's why salesmen are often thought to be slimy, because they lie to get people to buy their products, claiming they will give someone a new life when in reality, it's just a face cream they're selling.