Turtle in Paradise Theme of Perseverance

The saying goes like this: If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. In Turtle in Paradise we've got a lot of characters who try really hard, even when times are tough. Actually, these characters try hard especially when times are tough. It's the Great Depression and millions of people have lost their jobs, cash, and homes, but Turtle's family holds down the fort by working super hard and taking any jobs they can get.

It not easy, that's for sure. Turtle has to go live with her aunt because her mom can't turn down work, and her aunt's family is no different. Uncle Vernon is always off working, leaving Aunt Minnie to deal with kids and a lot of mayhem. Everyone is working extra hard just to make ends meet. In this book, everyone's hustling.

Questions About Perseverance

  1. What is Turtle's attitude toward the Great Depression? Do you think she understands the value of hard work? 
  2. If Turtle's family didn't work so hard, what would have happened? How are their lives dependent on perseverance? 
  3. Are there any downsides to working so hard all the time? Does Turtle miss out on anything because her mom and family are always working? 
  4. Who perseveres the most in the book? Is there a difference in the perseverance Turtle's family has and that of Archie?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Turtle's family needs to work hard to survive, but they miss out on a lot because they are always away from each other, working.

Archie perseveres more than anyone else because he continues to work hard on his schemes until he fools everyone into thinking he's a winner. He might be slimy, but he perseveres like nobody's business.