Love Quotes in Twilight

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Edward to Bella:] "Hadn't you noticed? I'm breaking all the rules now." (10.28)

What are the rules that Edward is breaking? Well, he's going against the rules of nature by falling in love with a creature that should be his prey. He may also be breaking family rules by revealing his true self to Bella, tempting himself by getting close to a human, and risking the exposure of the whole Cullen family.

Quote #5

[Bella to Jessica:] "Too much," I whispered back. " More than he likes me. But I don't see how I can help that." (10.109)

Bella tells Jessica she likes Edward more than he likes her – she's still unsure of how much Edward cares for her. And by saying that she likes Edward "too much," she's acknowledging to herself that her interest in him may lead to danger.

Quote #6

[Edward to Bella :] "Do you truly believe that you care more for me than I do for you?" he murmured, learning closer to me as he spoke, his dark golden eyes piercing. (10.152)

Edward counters Bella's belief that she likes him more than he likes her. Do you think that they care for each other equally?