Duty Quotes in War Horse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

No man can move a horse that does not wish to be moved. (14.10)

We feel like we've heard this before: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink." Horses are stubborn, just like the humans we use horse metaphors to describe.

Quote #8

"I remember you saying that our job in the veterinary corps was to work night and day, twenty-six hours a day if need be to save and help every horse we could, that every horse was valuable in himself and valuable to the war effort." (18.14)

At the end of the book, the humans return the duty-favor to Joey. He gave them unwavering devotion during the war, and now they do the same for him, keeping watch over him twenty-four hours a day.

Quote #9

"D'you mean to say that after all they've been through, after all we've done looking after them [...] that they're to end up like that?" (19.20)

Well, we take back what we said about men respecting their duty. Not all men do. Lucky for Joey and the gang, the soldiers are ready to stand up for them, carrying horses who once carried them.