Where the Red Fern Grows Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Give up!" Grandpa barked. "Now I don't want to hear you say that. No, sir, that's the last thing I want to hear. Don't ever start anything you can't finish." (9.7)

Well, now we know where Billy gets his stubborn, pig-headedness from: Grandpa. Not to mention dear old dad. It seems like perseverance is a family trait.

Quote #8

I told him I hadn't given up. My dogs were still hunting. When they gave up, I would, too. (13.21)

Billy may have a lot of perseverance, but it's nothing compared to his dogs. This is a really cute moment, because it shows how much Billy respects and depends on his dogs—he doesn't use them or take them for granted.

Quote #9

In a low voice, the judge said, "I'll say one thing. They don't give up easily." (16.64)

We know that Billy gains strength from his dogs, but maybe it works both ways. Do they gain strength from Billy? Or is it a chicken-and-egg type situation?