Wonder Chapter 47 Summary

Time to Think

  • Tough-love-style, Via works her little brother over about his decision not to go back to school—she knows he really likes is, so she doesn't want him to throw in the towel just yet.
  • She informs Auggie that everyone hates school sometimes, that she even occasionally hates school and has bad days.
  • Auggie asks her if people go out of their way to avoid touching her, and Via wisely responds by saying, "Don't compare your bad days at school to mine" (2.Time to Think.17)—whose days are worse isn't a contest.
  • And then Via doles out some tough love: "Now unless you want to be treated like a baby the rest of your life, or like a kid with special needs, you just have to suck it up and go" (2.Time to Think.18).
  • Via offers her brother some strategies for handling his friends (ex-friends?), but every time she gives him a bit of advice, Auggie asks her how things have worked out with Miranda.
  • Apparently Miranda called the other day. But not for Via.
  • She called to tell Auggie that she would always love him like a big sister. Via is "Double-stunned. Stung. Flabbergasted" (2.Time to Think.35). And so are we—what is that about?
  • Via threatens to tell their parents what happened at school if Auggie doesn't go back.
  • That breaks him, and Auggie says he'll return.
  • As an afterthought, Via asks if Miranda said anything about her when she called. Auggie replies, "She said to tell you she misses you. Quote unquote" (2.Time to Think.44).
  • Via is (secretly) super happy to hear that.