Wonder Coming of Age Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I usually love when they talk about when I was a baby. Sometimes I want to curl up into a little tiny ball and let them hug me and kiss me all over. I miss being a baby, not knowing stuff. But I wasn't in the mood for that now. (1.Driving.41)

Nothing will jar you out of tender baby memories quite as effectively as the contemplation of middle school. For his entire life up until this moment, his parents' adoration has been enough to make Auggie totally happy and fulfilled—but he realizes that what he needs more than that right now is information about the outside world.

Quote #2

Dad had told me that he was really proud of how I'd handled myself with Julian and that I was turning into quite the strong man. (1.First Day Jitters.2)

Auggie's dad gives him props for handling a tough situation independently and with maturity. It's awesome that Auggie has support like this at home, because it turns out there's a lot more that Auggie has to handle. As the story goes on, Auggie demonstrates more and more his ability and desire to handle things on his own terms.

Quote #3

"So, what are you going to be?" I asked her.

"I don't know yet. I know what I'd really want to go as, but I think it might be too dorky. You know, Savanna's group isn't even wearing costumes this year. They think we're too old for Halloween. (1.Halloween.17)

In just a couple years, those same kids will come around and realize that no one is ever too old for Halloween. But for the time being, they like the idea of having outgrown it. Which is kind of a bummer for the kids who are still really into it. Seriously, people, let's get real: who outgrows candy?