Wonder Chapter 93 Summary

Camp Lies

  • Guess who's our new narrator? Yup—Miranda now steps up to the mic as the narrator and namesake for Part 7.
  • In the wake of her parents' divorce, Miranda is pretty much abandoned.
  • Her dad is totally absent and her mom is emotionally checked out—she ships Miranda off to camp, even though she doesn't want to go.
  • Miranda hates camp, and she doesn't know a single person there. But she figures out pretty quickly that her anonymity is a kind of blank canvas upon which she can paint whatever she wants, so she starts slapping some imaginary brushstrokes up there, making up little fictions about her life to tell people.
  • One minute she's pretending she has a dog named Daisy, the next, she has a little brother who is deformed. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
  • She knows it's weird. But she feels a little entitled to this lie, having known Via and Auggie for so long. After all, she did give him the astronaut helmet. She watched all the Star Wars movies for Auggie's sake too, so of course she's earned it.
  • The story of the deformed little brother has tremendous emotional appeal for everyone at camp, and Miranda becomes popular in a way she never has been before.
  • The top-of-the-food-chain girls from Bungalow 32 assimilate Miranda, changing her hair and teaching her how to smoke and make tube tops from t-shirts.
  • It's no wonder Miranda chooses to reconnect with her more fun-loving friend Ella when she gets home from camp—serious Via would have asked her real questions about real things.