Flowers for algebra.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluating Algebraic Expressions.
Please pardon the expression.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluating Expressions.
You've got more pluses and minuses than a package of batteries.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluating Expressions with Addition and Subtraction.
It's a sign of the times.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluating Expressions with Multiplication and Division.
You evaluate expressions on your own terms.
Life is a game of Operation, and you are the tweezers.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluate a Defined Operator Numerically.
Math Shack rule mastery of Find Equivalent Expressions.
If the median's too small, you can always biggie-size it.
Math Shack rule mastery of Medians of Variable Expressions.
A place for everything, and everything in its place.
Math Shack rule mastery of Apply a Given Operator to a Variable and a Number -2.
Making sure everybody sticks together.
Math Shack rule mastery of Combining Like Terms.
Like terms fall in and never get out.
Math Shack rule mastery of Combining Like Terms (Algebra).
Sharing is caring, and it can be fun—even in math.
Math Shack rule mastery of Distributive Property.
You've got a little bit extra right…there.
Math Shack rule mastery of Arithmetic With Overlapping Groups.
Better than being an odd evenball, right?
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluation of an Expression Formed by Odd and Even Integers.
The substitute teacher NEVER gets an apple.
Math Shack rule mastery of Evaluating Expressions through Substitution.
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