
Average Salary: $106,360

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $4,440,317

Astrophysicists tend to do pretty well for themselves. Between the time and work they've put in and the unique and valuable skills they possess, we'd say they deserve it—wouldn't you?

The median salary for an astrophysicist is $106,360 (source). That may not be Donald Trump money, but it's head and shoulders above middle class. Heck, if you do it right, you could have your student loans from college and grad school paid off by the time you finish your Ph.D. That should give you a good few years to save up before your kids are ready to head off to college.

"So tired...can't wait to get home to my Jacuzzi..." (Source)

The weird cycle of money between you and the university system aside, if you become a professional astrophysicist, you'll be taken care of. The only thing you'll have to worry about is that old "publish or perish" saying.