
Average Salary: $75,760

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $3,162,828

Let's just start by saying this: Salaries for boxers vary pretty widely. From amateur fighters who make nothing to Mike Tyson, who earns millions of dollars a year just for being a famously terrifying retired boxer, it all depends on how motivated you are. And your weight class. And how innately proportionate and skilled you are. And how charismatic you are. And a lot of luck...but yeah, it's mostly about wanting it.

There are plenty of professional boxers who can't earn enough to keep a dojo in a nice part of town, let alone support a family. Many fighters supplement their income in other ways. It's true that you'll have plenty of spare time between matches, but ideally you'd be spending that time chillaxing and licking your wounds, whether you won your last fight or not.

Pro boxers also need to have exemplary healthcare so that they can keep an eye on the state of their delicate brains and bodies. That costs a pretty penny, and they usually have to pay for it out of pocket. Ironically, the better fighter you are, the less often you fight (but the more you make). The top-tier bad boys of boxing can earn close to $100 million per match. Yeah, you read that right.

Just remember, it's only like, one in a thousand pro fighters who reach those fiscal heights.