Typical Day
Winchester Wesscolt wakes up with the rooster's crow at 6:00AM. Reaching over, he turns the chicken-themed alarm off on his phone. The app he downloaded makes a gun-cocking sound when he presses the screen, and there's a shot and loud "ba-gawk" when he removes his finger. He cracks a smile; if there's a better way to start the day, he'd love to hear about it.
Winchester, or "Winnie" to his family and nickname-approved friends, heads downstairs, his nose following the strong bacon smell emanating from the kitchen. Mrs. Karen Wesscolt has been cooking since she woke up half an hour before.
Winnie begins to set the table. At about 6:15AM, the happy couple is sitting in silence, each reading their preferred section of the paper. After twenty-five years of marriage, they don't need to talk to prove their love anymore.

Winnie kisses his wife goodbye at 7:00AM and heads off in his Ford pickup. Before work, he likes to take a stroll in a park down the road if he has the time; it helps him gather his thoughts for the day ahead. He sits on a pond-side bench and observes two ducks sitting on top of the water. The setting is peaceful, serene, and just the thing he needs to get motivated for a day full of selling weapons.
The store doesn't open until 9:00AM, partly because of city ordinance and partly because Winnie doesn't want to open up before then anyway. However, since the early bird gets the money worm, he arrives around 8:00AM to begin setting up. At 8:30AM, the day's new stock shipment shows up (late), and Winnie rushes to get it prepared for sale. Finally, at 8:59:59AM, Winnie unlocks the door and opens for business.
And he waits.
At 11:00AM, he watches some Family Feud on the television under the counter. He chuckles a lot―Steve Harvey's a funny guy.
At 11:45AM, the bell at the front door rings, celebrating the day's first customer and waking Winnie from his partial slumber. The customer wanders around and Winnie lets him know he's available for any questions, then he shuffles the papers on his desk in an attempt to look like he's really very busy.

About ten minutes later, the customer comes up front with a couple boxes of nine-millimeter ammo. Looking around the counter, he sees a "God Bless America" travel mug that he absolutely has to have. Winnie charges him, bags up the merchandise, and wishes him a good day. Then he says a little "thanks" under his breath to the person who invented impulse buying.
The rest of the morning is pretty slow, but after closing up for half an hour for lunch at 1:00PM, Winnie re-opens in time to see almost a dozen different customers come through before 3:00PM.
Most of the customers come in to purchase some kind of handgun or rifle, and since Winnie's shop is in a no-wait state, once they fill out the proper paperwork and hand him their preferred payment method, they'll walk out the door totally armed. Well, not totally―if anyone loads a weapon inside his store, the buzzer to local police is only a few inches away.
At 4:05PM, Randall, Winnie's evening clerk—the shop doesn't close until 9:00PM—waltzes into the store. Winnie thinks for a minute about saying something regarding Randall's late arrival, but that'd be like telling water to stop being wet. Randy's laid-back style may cause timing issues, but it works wonders on the customers.
Winnie gathers his things to leave and reminds Randy that it's inventory night tonight, so make sure to leave the supply list on the desk. He'd actually prefer the list to be left in the safe, but he knows Randy's just going to leave it on the desk anyway.
After leaving the shop, Winnie stops at the library to grab a new book―he's into spy thrillers―and he pulls into the driveway at home right on the dot at 5:00PM. He greets Karen with a kiss. As they prepare dinner together, she talks about the work she did on her novel today.
Winnie may know a lot about guns, but Karen knows a thing or two about storytelling, and he listens intently as she impresses him with her dramatic flair.
At 7:00PM, the two settle in to catch up on their TV shows. Tonight it's True Blood. Winnie would never admit it to Randy or any of his other friends, but he's obsessed with vampires and werewolves...anything supernatural really. He almost wishes werewolves were real so he'd have a reason to sell silver bullets. The profits would be incredible.
After a few more shows and a couple drinks, Karen is snoring softly against his shoulder. He wakes her up as the credits are rolling and they make their way upstairs to get ready for bed. He looks at the "God Bless America" toothbrush holder he got on vacation a few years ago.
Impulse buy. Ugh.