
Average Salary: $250,000

Expected Lifetime Earnings: $10,437,000

Yes, the job is insanely stressful, but the money is...amazing. Let's be honest, a big reason that people want to become executives is because of the money that comes with it. Working to help people get great affordable healthcare is important, but a million-dollar bonus isn't something to turn your nose up at, either.

It's like a company car, just a little more luxurious. And expensive. (Source)

The starting salary for an HMO executive ranges, but should be somewhere between $150,000 and $250,000 per year (source). That's already a nice six-figure salary, but HMO executives (especially at the CEO and COO level) make a big chunk of extra money from the bonuses and perks that they're given from the board of directors and shareholders of their HMOs. 

While we can't give you an exact figure of how much each bonus typically is (that stays between the stockholders and the executives), we can tell you that in 2012 Bruce Broussard of Humana Healthcare received a bonus of over a million dollars, as well as $631,000 in other compensation (source). 

Like we said, there's no exact figure of how much HMO executives make in bonuses and other advances each year, but it's no secret the HMO executives are able to make millions in addition to their base pay with all of that combined. If you can get the gig, expect to see at least seven figures in your bank account.