Average Salary: $45,000
Expected Lifetime Earnings: $1,878,660
The moolah varies depending on the kinds of interpreter or translation jobs you get. You'll also make different amounts depending on whether you're licensed.

Many interpreters and translators choose to go freelance. If you're good at what you do, are in demand, and know how to hustle, you can probably make between $75,000 and $100,000.
Have a rock-hard grasp of at least three of the six big languages (English, French, Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Spanish), basic knowledge in world affairs, and work well under pressure? Then maybe you can be one of the lucky few who makes the big bucks: up to $200,000 interpreting or translating for the UN.
If you work as a court or medical interpreter, the pay scale is considerably less—more like $45,000 a year, or $21.84 an hour.
Maybe it sounds better in pesos.