Computers Resources

Say what you will about the internet, but you can't say being able to access textbooks about how computers work any time you want for free is ever a bad thing. We dare you.

From the power symbol to that three-pronged fork that somehow refers to a USB port, you'll find everything you need to know about how the seemingly arbitrary symbols came to be.

We've all been there, staring at a rolling beach ball of death while daydreaming about a newer, faster computer. When you finally do take the plunge on a new computer, don't just throw out the old one; use it for something new. Like a digital picture frame.

Who'd have thought a museum dedicated to modern technology would have such a great website? Everyone, actually.
Articles and Interviews

You'll laugh, you'll cry (probably from laughing too hard), then you'll laugh some more.

Bendy tablets? Data tossing? No more wires? Yep, those are PC World's predictions for the future of computing. Hopefully the wires thing works out so that our desk drawers can actually be useful again…

Computer art has been around since about when, well…computers were invented. Check out its development from black-and-white images to the 90s, which is when they stopped calling it "computer art" and started just thinking about it as art.

In case you're craving a CPU deep dive, check out this 20-minute video on it.

It's just like the "Such Great Heights" music video…except replace the indie pop with a narrator's smooth voice.

Holy motherboard, Batman! Check out how the inspiration for tech-looking gift wrap is made.