Dartmouth College
Hallmarks and Quirks
Things I'm Good At:
- My greatest strength is my commitment to undergraduate teaching. According to U.S. News, I've been the top dog in this category for four years in a row. As a higher learning institution, I tend to take learning pretty seriously.
- I'm not the most successful school in terms of athletics, but we have been known to churn out Olympic contenders in sports like crew, skiing, and cross country.
- My graduate programs are top-notch, especially the Thayer School of Engineering, the Tuck School of Business, and Geisel School of Medicine.
- Off-campus opportunities abound here, since our D-Plan makes it easy for students to get away. You can learn Italian from the locals in Florence, or philosophize with the best of them in Edinburgh, Scotland. Into animals and the environment? Go laugh with the hyenas in South Africa.
- My students care. Whether it's Greek houses hosting charity events for organizations like Autism Speaks or students volunteering for the CHaD Hero Half Marathon, people like to give back to the local community.
My Top 5 Must-Haves:
- A parka. NorthFace, L.L. Bean—whatever. Get yourself a big, puffy jacket with a fashionable faux fur hood. It can get cold in the Granite State.
- Flair. Basically any crazy piece of clothing that you own. If you don't have any, visit a thrift store (or five). My students
like to play dress up…often.
- A Nalgene. Considered an arboretum, I have a wonderful relationship with Mother Nature, so I like to be as environmentally friendly as possible. A reusable water bottle is therefore an absolute must. You might also want to consider purchasing a reusable mug and spork.
- Hiking boots. Even if you're not the most outdoorsy person, nature will be calling your name and you will answer at some point. Trust me on this one.
- An open mind. Too cliché? Oh, well. I'm a liberal arts school, so get ready to go outside your comfort zone.
Why You Might Have Heard of Me:
- My athletes are really, really smart. Every year, the NCAA honors DI athletic teams with Public Recognition awards based on their Academic Progress Rate (APR). I've been ranked in the top three for the eight years that this program has been running, and for the past two years, I've topped the list with 255 teams. Go Big Green.
- The landscape of Monsters University is loosely based on my campus. If I haven't told you how picturesque I am, now you know.
- I like to do research, and lots of it. According to the Carnegie Foundation, I am one of the universities with the highest level of research activity. A fair assessment, in my opinion—especially considering the fact that I attracted over $200 million in grants in 2012.
On a regular Saturday night, you can find me...
My students work hard—even during the weekend—so weekend nights are designated for relaxing and letting loose. If you're looking for a chill night, you could attend a school-sponsored event like Open Mic Night or Friday Night Rock. Take in a play or a film for next-to-nothing at The Hop. Head to a Greek house to watch a student-run a cappella or dance group performance. For example, you may have heard of The Aires. They garnered fame on the national stage by participating in The Sing-Off.
If you feel like letting your hair down a bit more, head to a fraternity basement for a friendly game of pong. Beware: Students treat this "drinking game" more like a sport, so things can go from friendly to competitive real fast. In all seriousness, fraternities, as well as some sororities, are open spaces where anyone is welcome to relax with friends after a long week or to maybe dance the night away, if that's what the mood calls for.
Favorite Hangouts:
- The Green. It's that big, grassy area smack-dab in the middle of campus. When it's nice out, you can find anyone and everyone here. Activities range from frisbee to eating lunch to Spikeball to "doing work."
- The library. Like I said, my students are dedicated, not to mention nerdy. They spend quite a bit of time on their studies. However, the library is also a great place to socialize. You'll have some great opportunities for face time here.
- The Connecticut River. Just a short walk from campus, the river lends itself well to tanning, kayaking, paddle boarding, canoeing, and swimming. As soon as the ice thaws, students flock here to catch those glorious rays.
- The gym. So yeah, I'm athletic. You'll catch me working on my endurance and sweet bod in Alumni often. A large portion of my student body is also involved in varsity or club teams, not to mention my competitive IM leagues. These games are not for the faint-hearted, so make sure you bring your A-game. Don't be afraid to incorporate some friendly heckling—all's fair in love and IM sports.
- I'm on the quarter system. I like to move through life at a fast pace, so semesters just don't do it for me. I keep my students occupied and learning at all times. It also gives them more flexibility in regards to off-term and study-abroad opportunities. Who doesn't love options?
- You will have to pass a swim test to graduate from here. Don't try to fight it—it's a valuable life skill. Especially when you're surrounded by as much nature as I am.
- A caring and dedicated group of students streak during finals every term. What could possibly alleviate tension better than a bunch of naked people running around and tossing out candy?
- Every winter, we celebrate our snowy grounds with Winter Carnival. Festivities include varsity skiing competitions, discounted lift prices, a human sled dog race, a snow sculpture on the Green, and the polar bear plunge. Yes, that does require jumping into icy, freezing cold water (with a rope tied around you for safety). Even though it's not "required," everyone has to do it. It's like a Dartmouth rite of passage.
- My alumni love me. Like, love love me. So if you come here, you'll have a support network of possible off-term internships and post-graduation jobs. It may not sound like a big a deal to you now, but just wait until "real life" approaches. You'll thank me then.
Famous Alumni:
- Meryl Streep
- Robert Frost
- Daniel Webster
- Charles Alfred Pillsbury. Gotta love those Crescent rolls.
- Charles Haldeman, Jr., of mortgage firm Freddie Mac
- The oh-so-entertaining Theodore Dr. Seuss Geisel. Oh, the places you'll go.