Odds of Hanging On
5K time between 25–30 minutes
Suddenly, you realize that 8K runs at 7:00AM are not the best hangover cure…while in bed, reaching for the snooze button.
Men's 5K: 18–20 minutes, Women's 5K: 23–24 minutes
Another missed homework assignment means your grades are starting to slip. If you don't turn them around, your spot on the team is in jeopardy.
Men's 5K: 17–18 minutes, Women's 5K: 20–23 minutes
It's no easy task trying to balance college athletics, academics, and an active social life. Think about your priorities and make sure you're getting enough sleep. Eat, study, sleep, train. Rinse, repeat. Don't be getting slow on us now, either; you can get cut as quick as you can get made.
Men's 5K: 15:45–17 minutes, Women's 5K: 18–20 minutes
You hit the books hard and you hit the trail even harder. Just make sure you keep your brain and muscles limber. Stretching is important, too. A serious injury may mean you'll never run competitively again.
Men's 5K: under 15:45, Women's 5K: under 18 minutes
Your coaches admire your discipline in practice. Your teachers admire your discipline in the classroom. Your friends admire you for being so awesome. What is your secret?