Odds of Hanging On

Odds of Hanging On


5'6'', 140 lbs, home to B1 < 3.6, pitch: +49, GPA: 3.3

You only play second base and there are two upperclassmen in line ahead of you—and the current second base player is a bona fide superstar. Unless you figure out how to play another infield or outfield position and fast, you're going to find yourself warming that bench a lot.


5'7'', 145 lbs, home to B1 < 3.4, pitch: +48, GPA: 3.8

Your grades are looking great, but your game is slipping. Unfortunately, raw talent is no substitute for heart, and it seems like yours isn't really in the game anymore. It won't be long until you find yourself outplayed by someone hungrier than you.


5'7'', 147 lbs, home to B1 < 3.5, pitch: +53, GPA: 3.4

You're in the starting lineup and you're a reliable hitter and fielder, but you've also got a bum knee. If you stretch and warm up carefully, give your knee proper support during gameplay, ice down afterwards, and attend physical therapy during the off-season, you just might stave off major injury and see it through. We wouldn't bet on it, though.


5'9'', 165 lbs, home to B1 < 3.1, pitch: +55, GPA: 3.5

You're a valuable player, but not the most valuable player. You've made a few epic game-winning plays, but you're not looking to go pro. You'll likely hang on because you're a good player who loves the game…but as soon as college is done, you're heading for Wall Street.


5'8'', 160 lbs, home to B1 < 2.9, pitch: +61, GPA: 3.3

You're an MVP player for a top-ranked team, you're a good student, and you're an inspiration to your team. People joke that you throw fireballs and you'd love nothing more than to throw those fireballs for the rest of your life. Yeah, you're probably going to hang on to that scholarship.
