A Break With Charity Community Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I fear the other girls in the circle will make a mockery of me when I testify," Mary confided. She sat in the chair and broke into weeping.

I went to put my arm around her. She gripped my hand. "They are evil," she said. They can make evil happen. And the magistrates choose to believe them over innocent people. I want to tell the truth, oh, I do! But they have sworn no one will break free of the circle, that if anyone tries she will suffer for it. I am so afraid." (13.25-26)

The lying circle of girls have made a pact: they're sticking together no matter what. So when Mary Warren breaks loose, you can bet Ann Putnam isn't happy. The community created by this little clique is a pretty nasty one, built on a potent combination of fear and loyalty.

Quote #8

"Sometimes I think," Elizabeth said, "that those named as witches are always just a bit different from others."

Joseph nodded. "It would seem as such. It's as if the afflicted girls are being given instructions on whom to name to cleanse this society of dissenters." (17.39-40)

Being a "dissenter" means that you have different views than most people in a community, and in Salem being a dissenter means that you're not Puritan. So since Susanna's dad goes to an Episcopal church, he's a big-time dissenter. So is Abigail Hobbs, since she defies all the rules and lives in the woods. Looks like Ann Putnam is trying to make Salem full of super similar folks. And if you ask us, that'll get really boring really fast.

Quote #9

"I wish I could run from this place, Johnathan," I said. "And never have to do with this witch madness again."

"We can't. We who know better must take a stand for what is right. And bring our community together again." (21.66-67)

Salem is in dire straits, and Johnathan knows that folks like himself and Susanna have a duty to stick with their community. It's actually pretty cool that even though things are bad, Johnathan is still an optimist. What do you think of Johnathan's attitude? Do you think Susanna shares this belief in supporting community over everything? How so?