A Break With Charity Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"They moved away from her and left her alone in her pew. I could not bear it, so I bade Mary stay in our pew and went to sit beside her. I held her hand. She was trembling."


"Oh, Philip." And she ran to him crying. "I am a friend of witches."

He held her in his arms while she blurted out her story again.

"You are the only true Christian amongst them," he pronounced. "Mary, I am prouder of you this day than I have ever been. (12.72, 77-79)

Salem might be full of scared folks—Susanna included—but once in awhile someone is super brave, like Mrs. English. She doesn't just oppose the witch hullaballoo in her own home, she also takes a stand in church. And that makes Papa English pretty proud. Us too, Papa E, us too.

Quote #8

"I fear the other girls in the circle will make a mockery of me when I testify," Mary confided. She sat in the chair and broke into weeping.

I went to put my arm around her. She gripped my hand. "They are evil," she said. "They can make evil happen. And the magistrates choose to believe them over innocent people. I want to tell the truth, oh, I do! But they have sworn no one will break free of the circle, that if anyone tries she will suffer for it. I am so afraid." (13.25-26)

Mary Warren wants to speak out against the circle of lying girls. There's just one problem: she's scared out of her mind. We know what Ann Putnam is willing to do to get her way, and so does Mary. What do you think she's afraid of? Is she afraid of "mockery," or does it go even deeper?

Quote #9

Joseph sobered. "I don't think for one God-given moment that Gedney believed the charges. But the others did, and he gave in to them. Alden was taken away, calling the girls liars. He posted bail and is in his own home under guard."

"He is a brave man," said Elizabeth. "But bravery does naught in that court." (16.44-45)

The newest so-called witch is a chap named Alden. And he's staring his accusers in the face with some serious bravery. But there's someone else here who isn't so courageous: the judge Bartholomew Gedney, who doesn't stand up for Alden, even though he knows the guy is innocent. Take a look at how he just "gave in." Something sure is keeping folks from being more courageous in this town.