A Break With Charity Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Perhaps, if you go and stand with your neighbors, you will manage to forget," Johnathan told me before I came here today.

Forget? I think I never will. Nor will the others assembled here now. How can we ever forget how the community was torn asunder, how smashed and ruined houses of some accused were left to the wind and the wolves? How businesses went bad because outsiders refused to have dealings with those in Salem for years afterward? (Epilogue.19-20)

When Susanna is back in the Salem Meetinghouse she wants to move on, but she's got oodles of bad memories about the witch trials, and they keep creeping up on her. Susanna seems pretty convinced that she'll never forget the past. How is it a good thing that Susanna can't forget? Are there any downsides?