How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
But Maya didn't carry that inner core of sadness with her all the time; she felt genuine joy at Mama's house, where there were all the children to play with. (22.12)
The dog often observes that the humans around him are happiest when they are with their families. The dog, too, is most happy when he's with his family—his human family, that is. His own dog family…well, he can do without those mutts.
Quote #8
That's what was different. In all the time I'd known him, Jakob had never once been happy. (24.25)
The dog lays the blame for Jakob's sadness on his lack of a family. Her belief (the dog is female at this time) is reinforced years later when she meets Jakob again. He has a family, and he's happy, so the two facts must be related, right?