How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Not allowed to have a dog! It's in your lease!" I cocked my head at the word "dog," wondering if I might be the source of the man's anger. I hadn't, as far as I knew, done anything wrong, but all the rules were different at this crazy place, so who could say? (26.36)
Although we said in the last quote that the place itself doesn't matter, in this case it does. Wendi isn't supposed to have dogs, so being hidden and confined is stressful for the dog. But, the people matter here, too. If Wendi actually cared for the dog, she wouldn't try to have him in a place that doesn't allow dogs.
Quote #8
"I'm doing you a favor. You're free now. Go catch some rabbits or somethin.'" (27.32)
Victor leaves Bear in the wilderness, and so the dog is able to return to a feral state. That's how he was born a few lives ago, right? Well, yeah, but the thing is that back then, the dog didn't know any better. Being wild seemed pretty great. But now, now he longs for a home where he can cohabit with humans and feel some love.
Quote #9
When Ethan came outside the next morning I shook myself off and ran over to him, trying to restrain myself from showering so much affection on him. He stared at me. "Why are you still here, huh, boy? What are you doing here?" (30.23)
Okay, we're back to talking about how it's the people who make a home a home. Bailey was never particularly attached to the house at the Farm when he would stay there over the summer. But now that Ethan lives there, the dog runs in as if he's always lived there. It feels like home now.