Candy Marshall Timeline and Summary


Candy Marshall Timeline and Summary

  • The first time we see Candy, she's telling Snookum to rouse everybody in the Marshall Quarters so they can head over to Mathu's place.
  • She also tells Snookum to get a hold of Miss Merle and to have her get Janey to ring up Lou Dimes.
  • She runs into Miss Merle and tells her that she's killed Beau Boutan.
  • Miss Merle doesn't buy it, but she lets it go.
  • When Lou shows up, Candy tells him the same thing.
  • Lou isn't buying it, but she sticks to her story.
  • She refuses to stop all of this craziness when Lou asks her to.
  • Mapes shows up, and she gives him the same old story, along with a whole lot of attitude.
  • After never leaving Mathu's place, Lou finally physically removes her and puts her in his car, once Mapes tells the folks there that Fix isn't coming—but not before she and Mathu exchange some very meaningful words.
  • We don't see her again until after the trial, when she holds hands with Lou Dimes as the old men all drive off in Clatoo's truck.