A Gathering of Old Men Themes

A Gathering of Old Men Themes

Men and Masculinity

We've got to get super-serious for a minute, because issues or ideas of manhood or masculinity, when they get connected to issues of race, are way more complicated than you might think. Since even...

Women and Femininity

Women make up over half of the world's population and, well, let's face it: if it wasn't for women none of us would be here. History is also full of tough and totally awesome women. Sure, there's s...


In this day and age, some people have a hard time believing that such a thing as racism still exists. In fact, depending on who you talk to, some people think that race is a thing of the past. They...

Society and Class

It might not look like it's all that tough of a novel to read—but Gaines is giving us a whole lot to chew on in A Gathering of Old Men. We've got race, we've got gender, and that's not all. We've...


Now we're getting down to it. We can talk about race, we can talk about gender, and we can talk about class—because talking about all of that is super-important—but, at the end of the day, it r...


The only thing that stays the same is that everything changes. Deal with it, gang. More helpfully, though, we can tell you that, in some ways, A Gathering of Old Men is all about changes: the passi...

Justice and Judgment

Maybe you've seen a statue or a pic of that lady in a billowy dress holding a set of scales in one hand and a sword in the other while wearing a blindfold. She might look like she's an act you migh...

Visions of the "Gallant South"

So just what in the wide world of sports do we mean by the "gallant South"? Sure, we're going to be taking a look at some images of that beautiful—and maybe not-so beautiful—Louisiana countrysi...