A Gathering of Old Men Resources


A Writer So Awesome They Named an Award After Him

Check out the website for the Ernest J. Gaines Award for Literary Excellence. It just so happens to have some cool info on the writer, too.

It's Not a Tour of Marshall, But Still…

Take a gander at some authentic Louisiana plantations, courtesy of the National Park Service in Louisiana.

Movie or TV Productions

A Gathering of… Terrific Actors

Unfortunately, a free version of the 1987 short film based on A Gathering of Old Men is pretty hard to come by, but you can pay a couple bucks and check it out at the link below.

Articles and Interviews

Gaines in Louisiana, On Louisiana

Here's a terrific interview where Gaines talks about his past, and his present.

More from the Man himself on Writing, Manhood, and Memory

If that little blurb wasn't enough, check out this longer interview with Gaines


So Just What is This Cajun Thing?

Take a tour through some rocking Cajun tunes. We personally really love "Hippy To-Yo." Yeah, that's right. We said it.