A Little Less Girl Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"It was all her fault. She claimed she was going to tell the school board. I went to stop her. I had no idea she would swerve off the road," Mr. Dermott blurted. Sweat was pouring off of his forehead, and his eyes nearly popped from his face. "I tried to climb down to help, but the car burst into flames. It was hopeless."

"You and Amy?"

"It was just a brief affair. It meant nothing." His eyes grew wider.

"You caused Amy's death?" I could hardly believe I was saying it. "After everything you did to make me feel responsible for it, you were the cause of it all along." (35.33-36)

And now it all comes out. Mr. Dermott is the one responsible for Amy's death. It's interesting how he opens his little confession by blaming Amy. Yeah… you go with that, Mr. Dermott. Needless to say, Jake is pretty ticked that Mr. Dermott tried to pin everything on him when he knew Jake wasn't to blame at all. This teacher is one very bad dude.