A Little Less Girl Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I climbed into the backseat feeling sick from the events. He'd been following me all this time, the sick creep. And now my sordid life had brought ugliness here to Raynesville. Now everyone here knew what kind of life I'd come from. But mostly it made me sick that Jake knew. (26.82)

Starting fresh is a good thing but Dani can't seem to get it right. She might have left behind her crazy past and settled down in a new place, but those tough times keep coming back to haunt her. Can't she just be normal for two minutes?

Quote #8

The lines on her face deepened, and I realized even though she was still young, the life she'd led in the last decade had aged her. "Where is he now?"

"In jail, I think."

"Jail? How? Why?"

"He sliced open Jake's hand with a knife."

Mom slumped back looking as if she might throw up. "Oh my God, Dani. What have I done?"

"Mom, you can hardly take blame for the fact that Cody is a psycho."

"The town will blame us—me. I'm sure they've never had trouble like this before. My ugly skeletons followed us after all." Her voice was shaky.

I placed my hand on hers. "Mom—" A car pulled up in front of the house.

Mom nearly fell over the coffee table as she jumped up to race to the window.

"Relax, Mom. His dad's in jail."

She nodded. "Good to know." (26.135-145)

You can move but you can't totally move on. Dani and her mom are desperate to get away from their old lives, but can't seem to kick things completely. Personally, we're blaming Cody on this one. Feel free to join us.

Quote #9

"Your mom is pretty cool. Does she like it here?" I asked. "It seems kind of slow-paced for her."

A small grin tilted the corner of her mouth causing her scar to tip up with it. "My mom has suddenly taken to this relaxed style of life. I'm finding it all rather bizarre, but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I don't want to jinx it." We started walking back up the road.

I could see her beautiful profile under the hood of her sweatshirt. I had a terrible urge to grab her hand, but I stuck my own hands in my sweatshirt. "I hope you stay here. It's dull, but it's a nice place to call home, I guess." My own words surprised me but deep down I knew they were true. And listening to Dani talk about her life, I realized just how easy mine had been.

"All my life I've wanted to live the perfect family life, but I've never gotten close to it." (31.57-60)

Dani's mom is really warming up to Raynesville. She may have lived a wild life but this small town stuff is really growing on her. For Dani, Raynesville is pretty much a dream. Sure, she might not have the perfect family, but she does still have a pretty amazing home. Even Jake has to admit that this little town isn't so awful after all.