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A Raisin in the Sun Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

It’s just that every American girl I have known has said that to me. White – black – in this you are all the same. And the same speech, too!…It’s how you can be sure that the world’s most liberated women are not liberated at all. You all talk about it too much! (1.2.115)

Asagai suggests that liberated people do not need to flaunt their freedom. In his mind, if American women were really as free as they say are then it would no longer be an issue. Therefore, it just wouldn't come up so much in conversation. This is an interesting point, but it's not like Beneatha is arguing that American women have nearly enough freedom. To her, women still have a long way to go in America.

Quote #8

When the world gets ugly enough – a woman will do anything for her family. The part that’s already living. (1.2.235)

According to Mama, a woman's main priority is to secure the future of her existing family, even if it means sacrificing other lives. And aborting an unborn baby is a huge sacrifice for Ruth.

Quote #9

WALTER (All in a drunken, dramatic shout…He makes his weaving way to his wife’s face and leans in close to her)
In my heart of hearts – (He thumps his chest) – I am much warrior! (2.1.15)

Walter clings to the idea that he would be a mighty warrior in Africa; this soothes his masculine ego.