A Small Place Slavery Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

But the English have become such a pitiful lot these days, with hardly any idea what to do with themselves now that they no longer have one quarter of the earth's human population bowing a scraping before them. (2.1)

Although colonialism and slavery are technically two different things, they share a great deal of similarities, key among them that both end with natives (or those taken by force from another nation) thrown to the bottom of the social ladder.

Quote #5

The Barclay brothers, who started Barclays Bank, were slave-traders. That is how they made their money. (2.2)

Businessmen made a lot of money off of the slave trade, and that money didn't just disappear after emancipation. It's an uncomfortable truth, but one that must be confronted.

Quote #6

Do you know why people like me are shy about being capitalists? Well, it's because we, for as long as we have known you, were capital, like bales of cotton and sacks of sugar. (2.6)

Because slavery is intimately connected to her past, Kincaid can see the ways that it has shaped our current economic system. Although slavery is no longer legal, it still weighs heavily on the minds of those whose ancestors lived through it.