A Small Place Visions of Antigua Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Have I given you the impression that the Antigua I grew up in revolved almost completely around England? Well, that was so. I met the world through England, and if the world wanted to meet me it would have to do so through England. (2.3)

It's impossible to separate the history of Antigua from the history of Britain. In fact, when you hear Jamaica Kincaid talk in real life, her accent sits comfortably between Caribbean and British. You don't get much more real than that.

Quote #5

We felt superior to all these people; we thought that perhaps the English among them who behaved this way weren't English at all, for the English were supposed to be civilized. (2.3)

The Antiguan people believed the things that the English said about themselves. Somehow, this only makes Antiguans more endearing to us as readers and the English a bit jerkier.

Quote #6

Is the Antigua I see before me, self-ruled, a worse place than what it was when it was dominated by the bad-minded English and all the bad-minded things they brought with them? (3.1)

Kincaid doesn't pull any punches, even when her own people are on the receiving end. You've got to respect that. Once again, however, we see the legacy of colonialism affecting modern Antigua in a negative way.