A Thousand Splendid Suns Resources


The Afghan Women's Writing Project

This organization gives Afghan women a place to share their writing with the world. You can read blog posts from women who lived through similar experiences to those in the novel.

An Interactive Poll of the Afghan Public

Check out this interactive map of Afghanistan that shows poll responses by region. The questions, about government corruption and women's rights, among others, get to the heart of the novel's issues.

Movie or TV Productions

A Thousand Splendid Suns IMDB page

So there's supposedly an A Thousand Splendid Suns movie coming out in 2015, but we know few details yet. Keep checking, Shmoopers.

Articles and Interviews

Violence against Women in Afghanistan Rises in 2013

Although the book ends on an optimistic note, this article gives a more concerning look at the future of women's rights in Afghanistan.

A History of Women's Rights in Afghanistan

On the other hand, there's also this long read that looks at the struggle for women's rights in Afghanistan over the past century. There are plenty of women still fighting for their rights in the country.

Khaled Hosseini Interviewed by Mother Jones

In this interview, Hosseini talks in detail about the trip to Afghanistan that directly inspired much of A Thousand Splendid Suns.

Khaled Hosseini: How I Write

Step right up, step right up: we've got writing tips from a best-selling author for you. You can get all of this right now for the low, low price of free.


Khaled Hosseini Discusses A Thousand Splendid Suns

Watch this interview to find out the events that directly inspired the plot and characters of A Thousand Splendid Suns.

A Thousand Splendid Suns Fanmade Trailer

Here's a fan-made trailer for the Thousand Splendid Suns film to hold you over until the real one hits.

Khaled Hosseini on the Real-Life Refugee Crisis in Afghanistan

Check out this interview with Khaled Hosseini, where he takes a look at the real-life issues behind the events of the novel.

Khaled Hosseini on Writing from the Female Point of View

Hosseini had his work cut out for him when he decided to write about two female lead characters. Watch this interview of him discussing the challenges and benefits of his approach.


Khaled Hosseini Reading from A Thousand Splendid Suns

Head over to NPR and listen to Hosseini read a passage from A Thousand Splendid Suns.

A Thousand Splendid Suns Audiobook

Are your eyes getting tired of reading? Check out this audiobook of A Thousand Splendid Suns, read by actress Atossa Leoni.


Kabul Unveiled

This photo gallery might as well be a companion piece to the novel. It focuses on the women of Kabul and their struggle for identity.

Map of Afghanistan

This map of Afghanistan will give you more insight into the way that geography plays into the novel's plot. Herat and Kabul are both displayed prominently.

Kabul circa 2006

This picture of Kabul comes from about four years after the events of the novel. It gives a good idea of what the city looks like in a post-Taliban world.

Female Students Coming Home from School in Pre-Soviet Kabul

This image gives you an idea of what Kabul was like before the communists took over.

Buddhas of Bamiyan

In the novel, Laila visits the famous Bamiyan Buddhas with Babi and Tariq. Check out this picture of them, taken before they were destroyed by the Taliban in 2001.