A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Katie had the same hardships as Johnny and she was nineteen, two years younger. It might be said that she, too, was doomed. Her life, too, was over before it began. But there the similarity ended. Johnny knew he was doomed and accepted it. Katie wouldn’t accept it. She started a new life where her old one left off […] Katie had a fierce desire for survival which made her a fighter. (10.49-51)

When it comes to Johnny and Katie’s perseverance, there is clearly a winner and a loser.

Quote #5

She wanted the Nolans to be better and not as good as anybody. Too there was the question of money. Although it was no question because they had very little and now had two children […] She found a house where she would get rent free in return for keeping it clean (12.1-2).

Papa’s embarrassing alcoholic rantings will not hold Mama back. Even with no money, she will find a way to start over someplace else. That’s one tough and creative lady.

Quote #6

People looking up at her—at her smooth pretty vivacious face—had no way of knowing about the painfully articulated resolves formulating in her mind (27.39).

Few people know just how difficult your personal journey is, especially if you do not tell people about it. Be kind to everyone; we all fight our own battles.