A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

“But Mama, how’ll we get along till summer?”

“We’ll manage.” (38.7-8)

Where there is a will, there is a way, and it’s all about mind over matter, folks.

Quote #8

“With that money, our troubles would be over,” thought Francie. “We could pay rent on a three-room flat somewhere, Mama wouldn’t have to go out to work and Laurie wouldn’t be left alone so much. I guess I’d be pretty important if I could manage something like that."

“But I want to go back to school!” She recalled the constant harping on education in the family (44.79-81).

Sometimes we stand in the way of reaching our goals ourselves.

Quote #9

“Because if I don’t make him, he’ll never go back,” said Mama, “where you, Francie, will fight and manage to get back somehow.” “Why are you so sure all the time?” protested Francie (44.101-102).

Mama must push Neeley—he doesn’t have the same drive that Francie has, which is a pretty big bummer for Francie. Her brother is just one more thing standing in her way.