Theodor Adorno's Bio

Theodor Adorno's Bio

All the deets on your favorite critic's personal life.

Basic Information

NameTheodor W. Adorno
NicknameThe culture industry dubbed me the German Curmudgeon, but my friends call me the Dialectical Dude. Each suits me and doesn't suit me.
Home townFrankfurt am Main. Born there; raised there; returned there after the Nazis got whooped.

Work & Education

OccupationPhilosopher, Social Critic, Sociologist, Musicologist, and Gadfly to the Culture Industry
EducationI went to Johann Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt and did some intense study of philosophy, sociology, psychology, and music composition. I wrote my dissertation on Kierkegaard; my advisor was Paul Tillich, a famous existentialist philosopher and theologian.


Political viewsI'm totally critical of authoritarian personalities and political structures. I'm influenced by Marx, but I'm not really a Marxist; the guy put way too much emphasis on economics as the source of all our problems. I think there's more to the picture than just economics.
Religious viewsMy father was a Jew (who converted to Protestantism), and my mother was Catholic. (That was enough for the Nazis to consider me Jewish and to expel me from Germany.) I'm interested in religion, but I'm not exactly religious. I'm more into talking about ethics and morality in general.

Activities & Interests

LikesModern Art
Curmudgeons on Twitter
Criticizing endlessly
DislikesWhat the masses like
Mass Media
Spotify and iTunes
Authoritarian personalities
Science Fiction
Causing a scene
Glaring at your mediocrity
GroupsCritical Theorists
The Frankfurt School
The Frankfurt Fans of Modern Art
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