
This website offers the complete Latin texts of Virgil's three surviving poems: The Eclogues, The Georgics, and the Aeneid.

Your one-stop information center for all things Virgil.

One professor's (somewhat speculative) account of Virgil's life based on the available evidence, and the connections between his life and his art.
Movie or TV Productions

The fall of Troy sequence toward the end of this movie features a brief cameo of Aeneas, who, for some reason, looks like he's about fifteen years old.

An Italian adaptation of the first half of the Aeneid.

Sequel to The Trojan Horse (see above); recounts the second half of the Aeneid.
Historical Documents

A collection of documents pertaining to Caesar Augustus, whose consolidation of power provides the political background for the Aeneid.

An alternate ending, by Pier Candido Decembrio.


This website features readings from the Aeneid (and other works of classical poetry) in Latin and English by current and former members of the Harvard Department of the Classics.

German Professor Wilfried Stroh reads Book 4 of Virgil's poem in Latin.

This ancient figurine depicts the iconic moment of Aeneas's escape from Troy with his father Anchises on his back.

This image of Aeneas and Dido in the woods comes from a mosaic from a Roman villa discovered near Low Ham in Somerset, England

Click on the image to get a larger view of this painting by Frederico Barocci. The short accompanying note gives a sense of how the myth of Aeneas continued to be politically important even a millennium after the fall of the Roman Empire.

A tapestry depicting the Trojan War, found at the Victoria and Albert Museum.