Airborn Ambition/Perserverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"This is going to prove him right," she said, nodding at the skeleton. "No one will think he was crazy after this, not even my mother." (11.135)

Kate hopes to prove to everyone, especially her parents, that her grandfather wasn't a raving lunatic. He was her role model as well as one of the major motivating factors behind her drive to prove the existence of the cloud cats.

Quote #8

Here's one of the drawbacks to being an ambitious person: sometimes when you achieve one goal you realize it's not enough. This isn't always a problem, but in this situation Kate's ambition might just get them eaten by a wild animal.

Quote #9

She'd stood there before her Lumiére projector and showed her photos of the skeleton, explained them, and then described our encounters with the cloud cat in the middle of the Pacificus. When she answered questions from the audience, her voice never shook, and she rarely stumbled on her words or hesitated. Quite apart from that, she looked wonderful in a fitted striped suit with dark lapels, her hair chestnut and glowing. "Hello," I said. "You're famous now." (21.4)

Here's that scene from the Mirror of Erised. Kate has achieved one of her life's pursuits; of course her voice doesn't shake, she's right where she's always known she belongs.