Airborn Daddy Issues Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I'd never been able to tell my mother how comforting it had been to work aboard Dad's old ship. Everyone knew about my father, and they were all very kind to me, especially Captain Walken. Baz took me under his wing right away—the older brother I never had. I felt like I'd discovered another family aloft. And my father always felt nearby, visiting me often in my dreams. I kept this all to myself, though, for I couldn't bear being disloyal to Mom and Isabel and Sylvia. (11.112)

It's really great that Matt has found this other family in the skies, but seriously—he has a family back in Lionsgate City. The reason he never told his mother how much he loved working on the Aurora is because deep down he knows it would hurt her feelings and make her feel even more inadequate than she already does.

Quote #8

I could feel my surprise, like an earthquake's tremor, about to ripple across my face, but hoped I managed to stop it in time. It seemed impossible that a cold-hearted thief and murderer like Szpirglas should have a son. (16.128)

Matt's got a point, here. Whenever you think about bad guys you don't really think about whether or not they've got families at home, do you? This was a smart move by Oppel, because by making Szpirglas a father he gives him a good reason to be so motivated to protect the secrecy of his island getaway.

Quote #9

I was not frightened. This was how my father fell. […] If my father could do it, I could do it. I was born in the air. (20.50)

Dude, you're about to die. Maybe deciding that that's okay because it's how your father died isn't a great idea… (Psst: you might dream that you and your dad can fly around the ship, but it's not real. Pass it on.)