Airborn Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I felt in my pocket for my compass. It was a point of pride to me that I rarely needed to consult it. […] But I needed it now. Before we'd taken shelter we'd been so swirled about by the wind I'd lost all sense of direction. (12.11)

A compass is a pretty useful tool when you're exploring pristine jungle for the first time. It's interesting that Kate—whose idea it was to go exploring in the first place and who admittedly has a very poor sense of direction—didn't think to bring such an important device.

Quote #8

"No trace of other human beings, sir, not on the eastern slopes of the island and up to the central plateau. But the island is large and stretches miles to the west."

"There may be a settlement on the windward side of the island, then," said the captain. "Mr. Cruse, you'll be with the exploratory team we assemble." (12.121-122)

If only Captain Walken knew how right he was, and how much trouble that settlement would bring.

Quote #9

It was possible she'd never even made it this far. What if she was lost and bumbling around in the forest? Somehow I doubted it. This was a young lady who could drug her chaperone and steal my compass. While we were together, she might have been secretly taking her bearings the whole time, thinking ahead to when she'd be rid of me. For her sake, I hoped this was the case, for if she were lost, we might never find her. (14.106)

Matt's right—Kate has proven herself to be a pretty competent young lady. However, she's also known for being a bit foolhardy and impetuous (two decidedly not-helpful traits in an intrepid explorer).