Airborn Jealousy Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I couldn't quite understand why he just didn't do what he wanted—but it's easy to give advice to others, until you try to imagine yourself in their skin. Going against your father, feeling alone and helpless in the world: these were not easy things to bear. (14.86)

Matt, you're a good person. Most people wouldn't try to understand what it's like in other people's shoes—especially the shoes of someone who has stolen your promotion right from under you and doesn't even want it. But maybe Matt can relate because although he didn't go against his father, he certainly has had to go it alone because of his death.

Quote #8

Bruce couldn't stop talking. His enthusiasm was like a big balloon that was stealing all the air from mine. I didn't mind so much that he'd seen the cloud cat—but I did mind that he'd stolen something that, hours before, had belonged just to Kate and me. He'd stolen our discovery, just like he'd stolen my position aboard ship. "Well, that's all grand," I said. "Everything's taken care of. You'll all be famous. But right now, we need to get back to the ship." (14.236)

Once again Matt is feeling jealous of Bruce and his involvement. But maybe instead of assuming that Bruce and Kate will leave him out of their successes he needs to gain a little self-worth and realize that he's as much a part of this adventure as they are. Bruce isn't stealing their discovery—he's sharing it.

Quote #9

It made me angry that a man like him should have a son. This boy did not know who his father was, the things he'd done—and if he did, would it even have mattered? What did any of that have to do with him? Here was his father, the man who had adventures, who told glorious stories and held him on his lap and kiss his head. There was nothing else of importance. (16.145)

Who says jealousy needs to be rational? Can Theo help it that he has a dad when Matt doesn't? Nope. But it won't prevent Matt from resenting the crap out of him, or from wishing that Szpirglas were dead instead of his own father.