Alanna: The First Adventure Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She eyed Thom. "D'you want to be a sorcerer bad enough?" she demanded. "It means years of studying and work for us both. Will you have the guts for it?" Thom straightened his tunic. His eyes were cold. "Just show me the way!" (1.20-21)

It seems likely that perseverance is an inherited trait, since Alanna and Thom both have tons of it. Too bad they don't also share Alanna's other good qualities, like selflessness and chivalry. We're not too sure about this Thom guy, whether or not he's Alanna's twin.

Quote #2

"There are a lot of tests ahead for you," Thom said earnestly. "Watch your back." "I'll pass the tests," Alanna said. She knew they were brave words, almost foolhardy, but Thom looked as if he needed to hear them. (1.68-69)

Alanna seems pretty confident when she and Thom part ways. It's always good to be optimistic when you're starting a new venture, but we suspect Alanna might not quite know what she's in for. Remember, she's never really known hardship in her cushy, noble-born life.

Quote #3

Here was the center of training for knighthood…She must learn to fall, roll, and tumble. She would get dirty, tear muscles, bruise herself, break bones. If she withstood it all, if she was stubborn enough and strong enough, she would someday carry a knight's shield with pride. (2.124)

It sounds like becoming a knight means pushing your physical limitations to the edge, and then some. Only those who are very determined (and resilient) can pull it off. Whew. Leave Shmoop out of it—we'll stick to the library with Thom. Well, maybe not with Thom. But definitely the library.