Alanna: The First Adventure The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I don't want to be a knight! I want to be a great sorcerer! I want to slay demons and walk with the gods—" (1.4)

It sounds like Thom has been reading too much Tolkien, or maybe just playing too much Magic: The Gathering. Anyway, the kid is definitely a magic enthusiast. He probably would've hated being at the palace (where the boys have all physical and intellectual and no magical training), so good thing Alanna thought of the place switching shenanigans.

Quote #2

The flames turned green from Maude's sorcery and purple for the twins'. The woman drew a deep breath and grabbed the twins' left hands, thrusting them into the fire. Power shot up their arms. (1.31)

Yeah, putting your hand in a fire definitely requires supernatural forces. The spell Maude casts is to request guidance regarding the twins' life paths, so we're also counting divination as something supernatural.

Quote #3

"Coram, I'm being nice. Thom wouldn't be this nice. D'you want to see things that aren't there for the next ten years? I can work that, you know." (1.89)

Using magic to emotionally manipulate people…awesome. That sounds totally chivalrous. Okay, to be fair, Alanna doesn't actually want to follow through with her threat, but she knows that Coram fears magic, so she presses her advantage. It must be hard to fear magic in a world where magic actually exists. Just saying.