Alanna: The First Adventure Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Raoul smiled. "We're your friends, Alan. Stop thinking we're going to jump on you for the least little thing." (5.36)

So wait, being in a group of friends doesn't mean you're supposed to act like their clone all the time? We're pretty sure Alanna didn't get the memo on this one, since she always seems afraid that her friends will reject her for the smallest difference.

Quote #2

George looked at her for a long moment. Finally he replied, "And why do you find it so hard to think someone might like you and want to do things for you? That's the way of friendship, lad." (5.172)

Alanna clearly hasn't had many friends, because she doesn't seem to understand that friends do nice things for each other. Like, sometimes they willingly face a freaky group of immortal child-eaters just because they like you, you know?

Quote #3

"But Maude said I should use my gift for healing…I didn't listen to her." Alanna's voice was soft. "I disobeyed her, and one of my friends died." (4.120)

Okay, there may be one positive side effect of having friends: you'll never be hurt. Hm. Yeah, we still think Alanna's better off with a robust social group.