Alex Cross's Trial Themes

Alex Cross's Trial Themes


You don't have to get very far in Alex Cross's Trial to figure out that race is a big deal. In fact, it's at the heart of pretty much everything in the book. Every court case, conversation, and fri...


You might think the truth is easy to pin down, but in Alex Cross's Trial, it means different things to different people. There's the truth that Ben knows about race—it's only skin deep. And then...


As you've probably noticed, change is inevitable in life. Still, sometimes we resist change because we like things the way they are, and we're afraid of what might happen if we shake things up. Tha...


It looks like no one ever told most of the characters in Alex Cross's Trial to use their words. The white citizens of Eudora repeatedly resort to punching, drowning, lynching, shooting, and stabbin...

Justice and Judgment

Simply put, there's nothing just about what's going on around Eudora. What makes this such a compelling theme in Alex Cross's Trial, though, is the fact that some people think the actions of the Wh...


While he's lucky not to literally get stabbed in the back, Ben gets double-crossed many times in Alex Cross's Trial, and he's more hurt by these betrayals than anything else. Jacob turns out to be...


Religion is a tricky subject in Alex Cross's Trial (and at the dinner table). At first glance it seems the Eudora community fervently believes in the Bible since they quote it left and right and ha...


We bet you've heard this one before: ff you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. See, sometimes being passive about a situation only allows injustice to continue. Just take Eudo...