- Woodward goes into a phone booth. Will he come out as Superman?!
- Nope, he's just making a phone call.
- His unnamed source tells Woodward not to call him again.
- However, that night Woodward gets a note from his source filled with secret codes.
- If he wants to talk, Woodward should put a flower pot with a red flag on his balcony.
- He does.
- Or maybe he's just really into apartment gardening?
- He meets his mysterious source in a parking garage, where the source is smoking a cigarette in the shadows.
- Woodward says he's stuck, and he assures the man that he can be trusted not to quote him.
- Woodward tells the cigarette-smoking man what he knows so far.
- He's also been hearing about future Fear Factor contestant G. Gordon Liddy, but isn't sure what his connection may be to the story.
- His smoking source tells him to "follow the money."