- Near the water fountain, Woodward approaches Markham. He got the identities of the burglars from Starkey.
- Woodward doesn't understand how the burglars have their own counsel if they never made a phone call.
- Markham still declines to comment.
- Woodward follows him back to the courtroom, and Markham reminds him that they're not his clients.
- He says he's simply an acquaintance of one of the men. This is called pleading the Gotye defense.
- The men enter the room, and Mr. Starkey says he represents all five.
- The accused state their names and occupations.
- Bernard Barker: "Anti-Communist."
- James McCord: Security Consultant. Not just anywhere, but for the CIA.
- Frank A Sturgis: Salvage Operator.
- We don't hear the other men talk.