Alligator Bayou Contrasting Regions Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.paragraph

Quote #4

"You will someday. You're getting an education. You'll do whatever you want."

"Where you from, sugar, that you think a colored girl can do whatever she want, with or without a education? That Sicily, it's some other kind of world?" (4.25-26)

Perhaps Calogero really does believe that no matter Patricia's skin color, an education can bring her opportunity—and perhaps he learned this way of thinking from his country.

Quote #5

So that's the end of it. Squabbles in America end as fast as in Sicily. I've seen grown men roll in the dirt fighting, then lean on each other drinking whiskey the next day. (5.13)

We're all really not so different after all, just a bunch of humans having thoughts, feelings, and experiences—so even thousands of miles apart, people end up following similar patterns with each other.

Quote #6

We walk toward town, our uncles' songs fading in the background. It will be the usual night at home—music and dance and cigars. Pretending like they're back in Sicily, surrounded by neighbors, joking and laughing. Just the four of them. (6.43)

If this is what Sicily is like, count us in.