Alligator Bayou Food Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.paragraph

Quote #7

"You ain't the only one who work Mr. Calo-whatever. Maybe surrounded by fruits and vegetables all day, you think food is everything. Geography and history and music and composition and declamation and 'rithmatic. I care about all that." (11.50)

Couldn't you argue that food is everything? After all, isn't it one of the main things we spend our hard-earned money on and essential to staying alive? If you couldn't tell, Shmoop loves to eat.

Quote #8

"You should see what Carlo's making to bring."

"Pasticcia Rustica," I say, remembering the ingredients on the table this morning.

"Those pies are so good, they'll be like a present." (11.60-62)

Homemade food is one of the best gifts you can give someone. Everyone appreciates the effort and time that goes into such an offering, and here it helps Calo's family befriend people who are wary of them.

Quote #9

Well, all right; I'm alone. Time to feast. I taste every meat—muskrat, swamp rabbit, chicken, loggerhead turtle. Is this the turtle that attacked Cirone's foot?

There's our 'gator. Everyone's saying it's tasty. The beast of that night is long gone. This is just meat. I take a nibble; it wakes my tongue. (13.46-47)

Tasting new types of food can be like a great adventure. And Calo knows some of the menu intimately, which must be both pretty cool and weird.