Alligator Bayou Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.paragraph

Quote #4

"You will someday. You're getting an education. You'll do whatever you want."

"Where you from, sugar, that you think a colored girl can do whatever she want, with or without an education? That Sicily, it's some other kind of world?" (4.26-27)

Calo sees Patricia for who she is—bright and hardworking—and believes she should be able to make good use of her talents in her life, no matter what color her skin is.

Quote #5

"That shaking hands—that's a dago thing," that boy says. "I seen it before." (4.56)

Even the Black boys that Calo meets use racist terms, which is weird since they know how bad it feels to be labeled a word that is meant to insult someone.

Quote #6

It's those Jim Crow laws again—whites and Negroes can't be served food in the same eating establishment at the same time. How could I forget? (6.94)

This law is strange to people from outside of the country, so of course Calogero could forget it… It doesn't make sense to any sensible person, and Calo is definitely sensible.