Amélie Awe and Amazement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from the French-to-English translated subtitles of Amélie.

Quote #7

NARRATOR: What a strange destiny for one who gave her all yet took such joy in life's simple pleasures.

Here, we see Amélie starting to be amazed at how her own life is turning out. It's a strange destiny, but she's realizing that she might be able to take control of it.

Quote #8

NARRATOR: Since always. In your dreams.

When Nino realizes that it's a girl who returned his photo album, and a strange quirky girl at that, he believes that he might finally have found The One that he's always been looking for.

Quote #9

NARRATOR: The mystery man wasn't a ghost or a man scared of aging, but simply the repairman man—a normal technician doing his work.

Remember the blind man glowing? Here, Nino glows when the great mystery of the bald man's identity is unlocked. The amazing part is how not amazing his identity is: the man is just a normal person.